Archive | February, 2010

celebrities that have made a guest appearance in her dreams.

27 Feb

This morning, my good friend Elizabeth tweeted about have a really weird dream that she got married to Tracy Morgan at the age of 17. That made me laugh a lot. I think Tracy Morgan is hilarious, and on top of that, I could just completely identify with it because I have very weird dreams sometimes which include all kinds of people including celebrities. Here are just a few (Don’t be freaked out… I can remember dreams I had from my childhood):

1. Jonathan Brandis. Yes, I can remember the first time I saw Never Ending Story I had a dream that I went to school with Jonathan Brandis and he was my boyfriend. That was the best dream for an eight year old. Funny thing is… I married David Harris, his twin. HA!

2. The Cast of Lost. There was a time when I lived in Germany that I was catching up on Lost from Seasons 1-3 and pretty much watched nothing else. I can remember more than one occasion when I was stuck on the island trying to figure out what the heck was going on! Though it was weird like a dream, and I could just walk back into my living room any time I pleased.

3. Justin Timberlake (pre the days of him becoming cool). This was when he was in N-Sync and I didn’t care for him very much. Have you ever had a dream about a person or a celebrity that you didn’t like, but after having that dream you suddenly had a fondness for them? Now I know what you are thinking…. No, it was not THAT kind of dream. HA! But he did have a crush on me. And we went on a date together. For some reason, from that point forward, I was a Justin fan. It also helped once he went solo and stepped up his game and hosted SNL and all that…

4. Javier Bardem (No Country For Old Men). Well this dream didn’t last long… Within the first few moments of realizing Anton was in my dream, my body made every attempt to wake itself up.

5. Sarah Jessica Parker. I’ve had a couple dreams where she will be shopping with me, and we’re having girl talk. I think any Sex and The City fan has had this dream at least once. I still want to own a pair of Manolo Blahnik’s before I die.

6. Carrot Top…. ok this one is completely made up, but man! That would be one crazy nightmare if it were true. That guy creeps me the eff out!

7. Ryan Gosling. What girl (or guy for that matter! ha!) DIDN’T dream about him after seeing The Notebook?

8. Wes Anderson (!!!) I had a dream that I actually had a chance to make a movie and at one point I met up with Wes Anderson to share my ideas with him and pick his brain. Again, it being a dream, mid conversation he turned into someone else and the dream went in a totally different direction, but I remember waking up feeling motivated to write more.

9. Larry David. Again, when I was in Germany, I has phases and time periods where I was really addicted to watching DVD box sets. Curb Your Enthusiasm was one of them. I had a dream that Larry David and David Harris got in a fight because (of course) Larry did something to piss David off. Turns out, David ended up needing something from Larry in the end, thus making it awkward and the famous theme song woke me up.

I need you to leave comments. Tell me all about your crazy celebrity dreams. 😉

favorite songs on her iPod that are under two minutes long.

25 Feb

a random, very specific list? yes. if you know me, you shoulda expected exactly something like this from me.

1. Parachutes by Coldplay (0:46)

2. All You See by J. Tillman (0:48)

3. From Me To You by Reggie and The Full Effect (1:26)

4. Orange Juice by Grand Archives (1:32)

5. Swing Low Sweet Chariot by She & Him (1:37)

(And really… could Zoey Deschanel be any cuter in this picture? I want to be her)

6. Sweet Sweet by Smashing Pumpkins (1:39)

7. You Never Arrived by Midlake (1:40)

8. Tautou by Brand New (1:43)

9. Islands by Cat Power (1:44)

songs from the 80’s she can identify in less than five seconds.

13 Feb

No explanations needed…

1. “Thriller” by Michael Jackson

2. “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins

3. “Any Way You Want It” by Journey

4. “Lord of All” by Carmen (YES! this does count!)

5. “I Ran” by Flock of Seagulls

6. “Take On Me” by A-Ha

7. “Kiss” by Prince

8. “I Want To Break Free” by Queen

9. “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper

there are plenty more. But for now I digress… What are some of yours?

memories of snow

11 Feb

1. What I think was my very first snow was when I was about 5 years old when we lived in Lancaster, Texas. As rare as it is for a Texan to see snow, it’s even MORE of a rarity for Hawaiians to see it. So needless to say, my parents were ecstatic! They bundled me and my sister up. Shayla in a fuchsia jacket, and me in a turquoise one that resembled the kid on Christmas Story who couldn’t move his arms. We made a snow man. We ate the falling snow. We put sunglasses and a hat on our snow man (Thanks, dad). I actually remember this almost as clear as yesterday. My parents always made moments like those extremely memorable.

2. Valentines Day 2003. (or was it 2002?) I’m not sure of the exact year, but I remember David and I were dating, and he came over to my house to give me a card and have a snowball fight with me.

3. Christmas morning, 2008. Nick, Shayla, and the kids all stayed the night at our house and it had snowed on Christmas Eve. Luckily enough it stuck around for the next morning, and that was the first, and possibly only white Christmas I’ll ever have.

4. I don’t remember exactly how old I was… but it snowed a couple more times when we lived in Lancaster. And I remember one instance where Shayla and I went to play outside in the snow together, and of course- she made me cry. We both made our OWN snowmen. Mine resembled hers of course. She didn’t like that I was copying her, so she pushed mine over. When I started to cry, she proceeded to push ME over in the snow. Aw sisterly love 😉

5. Sometime last year, it barely snowed one day. June was really tiny so I dressed her up and took her outside. Her face turned red fast, so I got paranoid and went inside after only a few moments.

6. Germany 2006 (February) We let our dogs run around in the snow. That was a great memory for me because they were having so much fun… and they seemed so freaked out by it. I miss those dogs sometimes.

7. Germany 2006 (November or December. Can’t remember which one) David is “out in the field” as the Army calls it. Basically he was about 300 miles away outside doing some kind of training. I think I might have stepped outside for a moment, or possibly walked to Martha’s house. But I remember missing David very much. So much so, I pretty much ignored the snow.

8. April of 2005. Now this wasn’t necessarily snow… but in Texas, when you don’t get snow… hail can be pretty exciting. And this hail storm sticks out in my head, because the hail accumulated enough to make it look like it had snowed. I took pictures and sent them to David while he was in basic training. Anyone remember that storm?

9. Today. February 11, 2010. I woke up pretty early today. Wanted to see if David still had school or not. I’ve been sitting on my love seat that is by my window. It’s really pretty today. The window looks right over a small field where the trees are covered. Snow covered trees are one of the most pretty sites to me. I love how on snowy days you can’t really tell where the sky ends and where the land begins. It’s a white sky, white covered everything, and white snow falling at a steady pace. Laptop in my lap, cup of coffee in my hand. It’s a good, peaceful morning. And the best part? In houses near and far, the ones I love the most are sharing this morning with me in their own way.

** Immediately after posting this, my mom called me. Exactly what I mean… I love hearing her describe how much she loves this snow… I love my family.

++ I also added a picture of my precious baby girl, June, from yesterday after I posted this blog. We had so much fun playing in the snow!! Probably my top snow memory for now.

things she should go back and tell her single self

9 Feb

Crysti Robertson gave me the suggestion to write a list on “Nine Things My Single Self Would Tell My Married/Mommy Self”. Great idea 🙂 But after thinking it through, I think my married self has a lot more things I wish I could go back and tell my single self. For instance….

1. Did it ever occur to you, single teenage Shanelle, that buying clothes from thrift stores means other stinky people have worn those clothes? AND you have no idea where those clothes have been?

2. Getting your driver’s license before the age of 18 might be a good idea. Convince your parents to let you… or your friends might resent you.

3. Kissing boys isn’t as sacred as you may think. 13 year old Shanelle… you’re waiting for a “special moment”, but you aren’t thinking about the fact that when you are older, you might regret not kissing that handsome kicker of the Varsity football team you were dating.

4. You don’t have to believe everything you were told to. Look into it. Research it… It’s worth it.

5. Hey engaged Shanelle! It’s YOUR wedding. Don’t let the florist talk you into something you don’t want. You only get one day like this one and you should have everything YOU want.

6. Ska? Really?

7. Don’t let anyone, even your student leaders, even John Michael Barajas, talk you into playing the “World’s Strongest Woman” contest. You’ll end up throwing up in front of your entire youth group at camp… and people will run up to the front to get pictures of it. Sigh….

8. Maybe you should put more thought into college. It’s gonna suck starting it at the age of 26!

9. You’re doing a good job, kiddo. Your goals include loving those that matter, and getting the most you can out of life. Just remember, don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. And oh yeah… you have one helluva ride ahead of you! 😉